Ellipsis’ FALCON AI was featured in the New York Times on Tuesday 15 March 2022. The article, ‘No-Code’ Brings the Power of A.I. to the Masses, is part of a new series on Artificial Intelligence.

The post looks at companies and products at the cutting edge of AI in mainstream usage, from Google’s AppSheet to a company creating AI chatbots. Ellipsis and our FALCON AI was featured as a leading example of a small business using AI.
Here’s the relevant quote featuring Ellipsis:
Alex Denning, who runs Ellipsis , a small marketing company for businesses that use WordPress… [built] an A.I. system that could predict which keyword and title would get his clients’ blog posts the most visibility on Google and other search engines… [results] improved by approximately a third as a result.
We use our FALCON AI on our Content Growth projects to increase SEO Content success for our clients. FALCON AI underpins the value we create: we massively increase the chance our clients are successful with their SEO Content. The prediction step described in the New York Times article is one part of FALCON AI, but there are many more steps involved.

FALCON AI has overall increased our clients’ SEO Content performance by approximately 1/3, as covered in the New York Times article. We’re also seeing faster rankings. As I wrote when we covered how we analyse 20,000 keywords per month with the AI:
We’re ultimately measured on Content Growth by results, and for SEO Content these start with rankings. Preliminary results with the latest version of FALCON AI have seen the time required for an article to rank in the top 10 decrease by half.
We go deeper into specifics on ranking improvements with the post on how we delivered a 350% ranking improvement to one WordPress product business.
Coverage in the New York Times is an immense privilege and testament to the work we’ve been doing. It will have been clear to anybody who is following what we’re doing just how excited I am about the potential for AI, and what we’re doing with FALCON AI. It’s gratifying to receive international recognition for what we’re doing.
We had a team meetup last week, and so I was able to share the New York Times news in person. It tells you quite a lot that I was as excited about a new AI idea I’d had. We’re going to keep improving here.
FALCON AI — featured in the New York Times — turns SEO Content for WordPress product businesses from hit-and-miss to consistent hits. If you need help getting better SEO Content results from scratch, or for your existing process, get in touch for a chat with me or find out more about Content Growth here.